Question Sample Titled 'Coordinate system of circle involving in-centre and circumcentre and finding possible intersections of circle and tangent'
is an obtuse-angled triangle. Denote the in-centre and the circumcentre of by and respectively. It is given that , and are collinear.
(a) | Prove that | . | (3 marks) | |||||||
(b) | A rectangular coordinate system is introduced so that the coordinates of and are and respectively while the -coordinate of is . Let be the circle which passes through , and . | |||||||||
(i) | Find the equation of . | |||||||||
(ii) | Let and be two tangents to such that the slope of each tangent is and the -intercept of is greater than that of . cuts the -axis and the -axis at and respectively while cuts the -axis and the -axis at and respectively. Someone claims that the aera of the trapezium exceeds Is the claim correct? Explain your answer. | |||||||||
(9 marks) |
(a) | With the notations in the figure, where and are perpendicular bisectors of and respectively. | |||||||||
Consider and , | ||||||||||
definition of in-centre | ||||||||||
common side | ||||||||||
∠ sum of △ | ||||||||||
∴ | ASA | |||||||||
∴ | corr. sides, ≅△s | |||||||||
Marking scheme of (a): | ||||||||||
Case 1 | Any correct proof with correct reasons. | 3M | ||||||||
Case 2 | Any correct proof without reasons. | 2M | ||||||||
Case 3 | Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. | 1M | ||||||||
Caution: Any proof based on the assumption that is collinear should be awarded zero marks. | ||||||||||
(b)(i) | ||||||||||
Let the coordinates of be . | ||||||||||
proved | ||||||||||
1M | for using (a) | |||||||||
∴ The coordinates of is . | 1A | |||||||||
Let the equation of be . | 1M | for subsituting , and | ||||||||
Subsitute into the equation of , | ||||||||||
Subsitute and into the equation of , | ||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||
Solving, we have , . | ||||||||||
∴ The equation of is | . | 1A | or equivalent | |||||||
(b)(ii) | ||||||||||
Let the -intercepts of and be . | ||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||
Subsitute into : | ||||||||||
Since and are tangents to , has only one root. | ||||||||||
of | ||||||||||
or | ||||||||||
Thus, | 2M | for both equations of and | ||||||||
∴ | 1A | for both four points | ||||||||
The area of trapezium | ||||||||||
area ofarea of | accepts other combinations of partitions | |||||||||
r.t. | ||||||||||
Thus, the claim is agreed. | 1A | |||||||||
The figure below shows the coordinate system. For better illustration purpose, the figure is not drawn to scale. |
(a) | Note that is the centre of the circumcircle of . | |||||||||
Join and . | ||||||||||
radii | ||||||||||
definition of in-centre | ||||||||||
∴ | base ∠s, isos. △ | |||||||||
Consider and , | ||||||||||
proved | ||||||||||
proved | ||||||||||
common | ||||||||||
∴ | AAS | |||||||||
∴ | corr. sides, ≅△s | |||||||||
Marking scheme of (a): | ||||||||||
Case 1 | Any correct proof with correct reasons. | 3M | ||||||||
Case 2 | Any correct proof without reasons. | 2M | ||||||||
Case 3 | Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. | 1M | ||||||||
Caution: Any proof based on the assumption that is collinear should be awarded zero marks. | ||||||||||
(b)(i) | ||||||||||
Let the coordinates of be . | ||||||||||
proved | ||||||||||
1M | for using (a) | |||||||||
The coordinates of is . | 1A | |||||||||
Denote be the centre of circle . | ||||||||||
Denote the perpendicular bisector of and be and respectively. | ||||||||||
Since and , they must both pass through . | line _|_ chord and bisect chord passes through center | |||||||||
Solving the system of simultaneous equations below would produce the intersection, i.e. coordinates of . | ||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||
![]() | 1M | for correct method attempting to find center of | ||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||
Solving, we have . | ||||||||||
∴ The coordinates of are . | ||||||||||
The equation of is | ||||||||||
1A | or equivalent | |||||||||
(b)(ii) | ||||||||||
by (b)(i) | ||||||||||
The radius of | ||||||||||
Notice that the slope of is equivalent to that of and . | ||||||||||
Thus, is tangential to at . | ||||||||||
The equation of is | ||||||||||
Denote be a point on such that is a diameter to circle . | ||||||||||
and | mid-pt. theorem | |||||||||
and | ||||||||||
The equation of is | ||||||||||
2M | for both equations of and | |||||||||
∴ | 1A | for both four points | ||||||||
The area of trapezium | ||||||||||
=diameter of | 1A | f.t. | ||||||||
r.t. | ||||||||||
Thus, the claim is agreed. | 1A | |||||||||
The figure below shows the coordinate system. For better illustration purpose, the figure is not drawn to scale. |
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